The Origins of DryMaster™ Systems

I’m Aaron Ovad, and I’m the proud founder and owner of DryMaster™ Systems, Inc. I’d like to take a few minutes just to share my story with you, about how I got started in the carpet cleaning business and how exactly my financial success launched from that point.

Twenty-four years ago, I was working 50-60 long hours a week as an accountant, and yet I was still struggling to make ends meet and could barely afford my monthly bills. One day, my brother proposed the idea of starting a carpet cleaning business, and I must admit, I was very skeptical at first. But at that point, I really had nothing to lose and decided to ease into the business by just working at it on evenings and weekends. There was no way I could afford to quit my steady-paying job and start a new, unfamiliar business full-time. Nevertheless, I was determined and gave it my 100% effort.

I began distributing flyers around my neighborhood, and just after a few days, I had booked 6 solid jobs for the following few days. In fact, after my first job I was astonished because I had earned $646 in just 3.5 hours, which was even more than what I would make at my regular salaried job in 1 week!

Of course, the sheer financial benefit of this job motivated me to continue promoting this business, and in fact, I was able to book an average of 2 jobs per day for the following few weeks, with each job averaging a payment of $175. I was making $2,000 a week, working only 20 hours a week, and after 6 weeks I had built-up my business enough that I felt comfortable leaving my regular job- and I’ve never looked back. After 1 year of such momentum, my business grew to 5 hired technicians, generating about $4,000 of profit per week, per technician!

After running this business very successfully for nine years, it was obvious my business model and service quality was a proven concept for financial success. Thus, I decided to develop comprehensive carpet cleaning business packages for other individuals, who just like myself years ago, are seeking a career pathway towards financial freedom and success. Since then, I have sold DryMaster Business Packages to over 250 individuals, and these DryMaster™ Affiliates are now out there living the American Dream: being their own boss, working desirable hours, and generating significant profits year after year.

I look forward to the opportunity in introducing you to the Carpet Cleaning Industry, and helping you achieve your career and financial goals!





Aaron Ovad
Founder & Owner